A professional HOA website at a price you'll love
All the value with no hidden fees.
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Features & Pricing
Annual Services Fee
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$599/ year
$1199/ year
$2399/ year
The annual fee pays for everything. This includes setup, support, design, hosting and primary domain registration if needed. No set up fee. No hidden cost. No additional cost.
30-day money back guarantee.
Flat Pricing:
You do not pay more based on your size. You can have unlimited administrators, unlimited registrations, unlimited visitors and unlimited members. This is because our websites and features automatically scale and support organizations of any size.
You are invoiced for the set up fee and services fee once you signup for your new website. You can either pay online or mail us a check. The annual billing will begin based on the date we give you access to your new website.
Premium Designs
One time fee, for one of our Premium Design choices and the assistance of a personal project manager to oversee your buildout. (Yes, a real person.)
Choose from one of our Premium Designs.
Design Options:
Premium Designs come with the ability for up to a 10 image slideshow header, custom home page graphics/elements, multiple custom color themes or custom color creation, different theme choices for form fields/features and all (currently 6) of our inner page content templates.
Home Page:
Use up to 5 customizable “Teasers” to bring your home page to life.
Simple and streamlined step-by-step set up process.
You choose the functionality, pages and options for your website plus how they are organized on the website.
30-day money back guarantee.
You are invoiced for the set up fee and services fee once you signup for your new website. You can either pay online or mail us a check.
Flexible Layouts
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No template driven or cookie cutter websites. Our hands-on design services make the website flexible.
You decide the pages and features for your website including how they are organized.
Personal Project Manager
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Hands On:
You will be assigned a personal project manager who will handle the technical aspects of designing and implementing your website. They will also be your single point of contact to answer your questions, provide you feedback and guide you along our step-by-step process. This extra touch means you can be proud of the end result because your new website was made specifically for you.
Click here to see feedback from our clients.
Personalized Website Design
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Already love our creative designs? You choose the type of design that works best for you and we’ll personalize it with your photos and logo.
We incorporate unique elements that will make your website unlike any other. This helps owners and visitors verify that they are on the correct HOA website.
You choose which available features and pages are on your website and how they are organized.
Positive Visitor Experience
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Easy to use features and navigation for both visitors and administrators require no technical knowledge or software to install. Even the most non-web savvy visitors will be able to navigate through the information on the website.
User Friendly:
“2 clicks to anywhere” ensures intuitive navigation throughout the website so visitors can quickly find what they are looking for within 2 clicks.
All websites are developed using the latest and most widely used technologies so that they are fresh both in function and appearance.
All features and services were developed from the ground up to ensure they are instantly scalable to support organizations of any size.
Responsive/Mobile Design
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Responsive designs are mobile friendly because they automatically resize based on the visitor’s screen size.
A responsive website’s structure will be less graphic intensive and less customizable so that the automatic resizing can work its magic.
No App Required
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Mobile Friendly:
All of our designs and features work on desktops, tablets and mobile devices. Therefore, an app is not required.
Nothing to Download or Update:
Visitors do not need to spend time downloading an app and having an app take up space on their device. Visitors can instantly visit and use the website at any time.
Broader Reach:
A mobile friendly website works regardless of the type of device and operating system. The mobile friendly website only requires a web browser, which allows all visitors to use the website without barriers.
Because there is not a separate website vs app, there is a consistent experience for both visitors and administrators. This reduces confusion since there is not a second platform to learn how to use and navigate.
No Limited Usage:
Apps tend to be limited functionality due to download space and cost constraints. Because visitors are using a website, they can take full advantage of all of our website features.
Single Software:
Website Administrators do not have to maintain both an app and a website.
Header Graphic Slideshow
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Standard Designs will allow up to 5 images on the home page slideshow and 2 images on the inner page photo rotation. Premium Designs will allow up to 10 images on the home page slideshow and 5 images on the inner page photo rotation.
Stock Photography
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If you will not be able to gather your own photo(s) for your website, we can choose a photo for you from our library of photos. You can also purchase photos from stock photography websites such as and
Pages and Navigation
Content Templates
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A content template gives you the ability to format a web page with different layouts, all while remaining responsive.
Utilize up to six different content templates on Premium Designs and two different content templates on Standard Designs.
Easily create or switch between content templates on-the-fly.
Drop Down Submenus
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A drop down submenu is when you put your mouse over a link on the navigation and a small window slides open with additional links. The list of additional links are intended to be sub pages of the navigation link they belong to.
Utilize submenus for any or all links on your navigation.
Choose individually for each item on your submenus if the link is only viewable if the visitor is logged in and has one of the required levels of access.
Easily add, remove, hide and reorganize links in your submenus on-the-fly.
Manage Pages and Navigation
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Easily control what pages are on your website along with how they are organized on your navigation. Pages can also be left off the navigation and instead linked to from other pages of the website.
Choose individually for each link on your navigation if the link is only viewable if the visitor is logged in and has one of the required levels of access.
Administrator(s) can add, remove, hide and reorganize navigation links and pages on-the-fly.
Administrator(s) can manage the title of each page. The navigation link to the page can also have text different than the page’s title.
Bulk Actions:
Multiple pages can be added, rearranged and be assigned different access level(s) on the same screen instead of having to save and reopen each item.
Define title, keywords and description META tags for individual pages.
Membership Management
Access Log
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The Access Log maintains a 6 month history of login, forgotten password and registration activity on the website.
The details show the action, the member’s name, if the member is an administrator, the date and time and the country the member was in based on their IP address.
The log can be searched using multiple search criteria based on any of the fields stored in the Access Log.
Add and Update Members from a File
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To initially load members into the website, an administrator can import member profile details using our csv file. Likewise, a file can be imported to update selected members’ profiles.
Member Login Notification:
After importing new members, an administrator can send a mass email to members that contains custom content (text, photos and links). The website will automatically personalize each email message with the member’s unique login information.
The data in the file is automatically validated to ensure the information in the file meets the data requirements.
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Chapters are for organizations with a master and sub organizations. Members can be optionally attached to a chapter.
Chapter Groups:
Each chapter is attached to a group/category, which makes it easier to find and organize chapters.
Chapters and Chapter Groups can be used in a filter which searches and groups members based on information in their profile. These filters are used for finding members and for choosing which members receive a mass email from the Email Publisher.
Member Directory:
Each chapter can have their own Member Directory view which will only show members in a specific chapter.
Import and Export:
Chapters can be imported and exported from a csv file.
Profile Options:
New members can optionally be given access to choose their chapter when they register on the website. Existing members can optionally be given access to update or only view their chapter.
Export Member Profile Data
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Administrator(s) can export all or selected member’s profile data for other uses such as mailing labels.
File Type:
Exported data will be in a csv file which is easily used by programs such as Excel.
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Filters are used to create search criteria for finding and grouping similar members for items such as the member list and sending mass emails.
Each filter contains up to 12 filter criteria based on data in the member profile fields. The criteria includes and/or conditions and comparisons for equals, not equal to, contains, does not contain, <=,>=, starts with and ends with.For example, members that joined in the past year and live on Main Street.
Save and Edit:
Custom filters are created and saved for future use and are available to all administrators. Administrators can also edit filters. Each filter shows the number of members that match the filter’s search criteria. The member list also shows a listing of all members that match the filter.
Quick Filter:
The quick filter is used on-the-fly to find members that match a single criteria.
A filter can be temporarily removed from use.
Email Publisher:
Filters are used in the Email Publisher when sending mass emails to members. Filters allow emails to be sent to selected members based on information in their profile such as members that like soccer or are on a volunteer group.
Text Messaging:
Mass text messages are sent to selected members by choosing a filter.
Member Photos
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Like social media, each member has their own photo area to share experiences with other members.
Profile Photo:
The member and an administrator can upload a profile photo for the member. The photo will display in the member directory and in the Admin Panel when viewing the member’s profile.
Photo Albums:
Members can create albums and upload photos to those albums. Photos are automatically resized to be web friendly during the upload process. Photos can be reordered and have a description. These albums appear on the member’s profile in the member directory.
Member Profiles
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Each registered member has their own personal profile. Profiles contain fields to store information on each member such as name, email address, join date etc. This information is added by administrators or by the member when they register or log into the website.
Custom Views:
An administrator configures which fields appear in the Admin Panel and the order of those fields. The member list view is also configurable to display up to 4 fields.
Field Controls:
An administrator chooses for each custom field if the member can only view the field, can update the field or if the field is hidden. Hidden fields are great for administrator only fields. Regardless of the field settings, an administrator can always update the data in the profile field.
An administrator can search member profile data by up to 12 filter criteria. The criteria includes and/or conditions and comparisons for equals, not equal to, contains, does not contain, <=,>=, starts with and ends with. These searches can also be saved as a filter for future use.
An email is sent to the administrator(s) when a member edits their profile. The email includes complete details that compares the original data vs the new data the member modified.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each member which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Membership Renewal Notification
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Renewal notifications are scheduled email messages that are sent to members to remind them to renew their membership.
Membership Types:
Unlimited renewal notification messages can be created. For each membership type, up to 5 renewal notification messages are used. Each membership type then allows for each of its notifications to be separately scheduled.
Each renewal notifications is scheduled to be sent based on the number of days before, on or after the member’s expiration date. Future renewal notifications are not sent if the member renews their membership.
Email Addresses:
Renewal notifications go to a member’s primary email address. If there are additional email fields in members’ profiles, optionally choose which other email fields are sent the renewal notification.
Customized Text:
An administrator can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the messages.
Personalized Messages:
Automatically personalize each email message with field(s) from the member’s profile. Example: “Hello Dave. We see you joined us on 1/1/10. It’s time for your annual membership renewal.”
Membership Types
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Membership types allow for custom registration forms and automate tasks such as login expiration and membership renewal. Unlimited membership types can be created.
Custom Register and Update Profile Forms:
Each membership type can have its own custom forms for members to register and update their profile. Customization includes choosing which fields are displayed, the order of the fields and if the field is editable vs view only.
Approval Settings:
Newly registered members can either be automatically approved or first require an administrator’s approval before being granted access. An email notification is sent to one or multiple email addresses for every new registration.
Member Directory:
Use a special link to only display members in a specific membership type.
Renewal Period:
A member’s membership can have an automatic and configurable expiration date. Once the expiration date passes, a member’s access to the website can be automatically restricted until they complete the membership renewal process. Available periods are: Lifetime (no expiration), Limited (set number of days), Monthly (last day of month), Quarterly (last day of quarter), Semi-Annual (last day of June and December) and Annual (any month/day and number of years). Renewal periods expire at midnight based on a configurable time zone.
Renewal Restriction:
Configurable limit for the number of days, prior to the expiration date, that a member can renew their membership. Regardless of this setting, an administrator can always renew a member’s membership.
Membership Fee:
Based on the renewal period, an invoice is automatically generated for the fee amount for both new registrations and membership renewals.
The Membership Fee can be prorated, based on the days remaining, if the member does not register at the beginning of the renewal period. A minimum dollar amount can also be established so that the new member does not owe any money for the current renewal period if the calculated fee amount is too small. This is to prevent having a member pay a fee that is less than the costs and hassle of dealing with the payment.
Free Trial Days:
When a member registers, the member can use the website for the set number of days without paying the membership fee. The free trial days are also included in the prorate calculation.
Extension Period:
If the member registers within the configurable number of days before the end of the renewal period, the member’s expiration date will be extended one additional renewal period. The new member will not owe a membership fee for the additional renewal period. This is to prevent a member from owing a fee today and then having to pay again in a couple days due to the timing of the end of their renewal period.
Grace Period:
Once the member’s membership expires, the member will continue to have their regular access to the website for the configurable number of days.
Membership Cost Calculator:
An administrator can use the calculator to test scenarios for a membership type’s settings to make sure the settings match the policies of their organization.
Each membership type has its own configurable options for each product. These options include if the product is available to new members, available to renewing members, the maximum quantity that can be purchased and if the cost is prorated based on the membership period. An administrator can create an invoice for a product regardless of these settings.
An administrator can set a start and stop date for when each membership type will be available for registrations and renewals. Membership types are hidden from members when outside of this date range.
Membership fees for each membership type can go to a different general ledger account.
Access Levels:
Each membership type can have its own default Access Levels that are used when a new member registers. These defaults are also configurable for each User Level.
Maximum Members:
Each member can be restricted, based on their membership type, how many User Level 2 and User Level 3 members they are allowed to add. An administrator can add unlimited members regardless of this setting.
Membership IDs:
The website can assign a sequential membership ID each time a new member is added. Membership IDs can also be configured by an administrator.
Registration Notifications:
When a new member registers, an email notification is sent to one or multiple email addresses.
Profile Update Notifications:
When a member changes their profile details, an email notification is sent to one or multiple email addresses. The email notification shows the old data and the new data for each profile field changed.
Customized Text:
An administrator can add their own content (text, links and photo) to the top of the register page, bottom of the register page, thank you page after registering, membership renewal page, the thank you page after membership renewal and the update profile page.
Home Page Mini View:
If enabled, members will see a box on the home page that displays their renewal date and outstanding balance. Content can also be added to the box.
Summary Report:
This report shows the total number of members in each membership type by membership status. The detailed report shows a listing of members that make up each total.
Private Notes:
An administrator can enter private comments about each membership type which is only viewable by administrators.
Password Protected Pages
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When a member logs into the website, the website controls which pages that member is allowed to access. An administrator configures these Access Level rules. Pages that are not set to require a member login are available for all website visitors to access.
Mini View Boxes:
The mini view boxes on the home page can each have their own access restrictions.
User Friendly:
When a visitor attempts to access a password protected page, and they are not yet logged into the website, they will be prompted to login. Once they have successfully logged into the website they will be automatically redirected to the page they originally requested. If the member’s access level does not allow them access to the specified page they will receive a message regarding the access restriction.
Forgotten Passwords:
“Forgot Password” feature automatically emails the member information for resetting their password. Passwords can also be reset by the administrator(s) and be automatically emailed to the member through the website.
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For organizations with membership based on living at a certain address, members can be optionally attached to a pre-configured property.
Property Groups:
Each property is attached to a group/category, which makes it easier to find and organize properties.
Level 1 Users can be attached as the Owner of one or multiple properties. Properties may have multiple Owners, and Users may own multiple Properties.
Properties and Property Groups can be used in a filter which searches and groups members based on information in their profile. These filters are used for finding members and for choosing which members receive a mass email from the Email Publisher.
Invoices and Payments:
Both invoices and payments can be attached to a property. All members attached to a property can view and pay invoices attached to their property. All members attached to a property can view the transaction history of their property.
Bulk Invoices:
Mass invoices can be created and attached to all properties within a property group.
Import and Export:
Properties can be imported and exported from a csv file.
Profile Options:
New members can optionally be given access to choose their property when they register on the website. Optionally prohibit new a new member from registering if another member is already attached to their property. Existing members can optionally be given access to update or only view their property.
Unlimited Access Levels
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For each of your registered members, you choose what pages they are able to view by assigning Access Levels. This is roles based, if you are familiar with the terminology.
Assigning Access Levels:
Ability to assign unlimited access levels to your website’s pages. For example: pages for public vs members vs volunteers vs pet lovers. Likewise, unlimited access levels can be assigned to each member. A member is given access to a page if their access level matches the page’s access level. This allows the creation of a security structure as simple or complex as you need (and wish to manage).
Easy to Change:
Because access is based on access levels, when adding a new page an access level is assigned to the page. All members with that access level will automatically have access to the new page. This is much more efficient because you do not have to edit every member to give them access to the new page.
Unlimited Custom Profile Fields
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Unlimited Fields:
Unlimited fields can be added to store information on each member. Each field can be configured to allow members to edit the information or only view the information. Fields can also be hidden from members and only available to administrators. An administrator can edit the data in a field regardless of these settings.
Field Types:
Each profile field is assigned a field type which controls the data that is entered into the field and how the field appears on forms. Field types include: checkbox, address, birthday, date, dollar amount, email address, large box, link, choose one list, choose multiple list, number, phone, 1-5 rating, 1-10 rating, small box, social media, text messaging, time and yes/no. Non-entry fields can also be created such as a paragraphs and a form section dividers.
Required Fields:
Individual fields can also be set as required on the register and/or update profile forms.
Hidden Fields:
When sending a mass email to members using the Email Publisher, a hidden field is effective for an administrator to select members to be sent the email based on information in the hidden field. For example, the data may be meaningless to individual members, but important for the internal processes of your organization. Regardless, all profile fields are available for selecting members to be sent the mass email.
User Levels:
With the User Level ability, custom fields can be set to only be available to members based on their User Level. For example, it is not applicable to have an employer field for a child. An administrator can view and edit the data in a profile field regardless of this setting.
Mass Updates:
Data in a field can be mass added/updated/deleted on all members or a file can be imported for selected members.
Unlimited Member Registrations
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Member Registration allows visitors to fill out a form with their personal details and submit the information through the website. Their details are then stored in the administrative side of the website to be used for a variety of purposes. There is no limit to the number of registered members.
Unique Login Option:
Allowing visitors to register through the website enables data management, using certain website features, granting access to restricted areas of the website and sending out mass email notifications. We refer to this as the Unique Login Method since each member registers for their own personal username and password to the website.
No Login Option:
The website can be set up to not have member registrations or logins. This means the website will be informational only and not interactive.
Approval Settings:
Newly registered members can either be automatically approved or first require an administrator’s approval before being granted access. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for every new registration.
Single Click Approve/Decline:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new registration by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to log into the website. This process also allows the administrator to decline the new registration. Registrations can also be manually approved, declined and edited through the website.
Registration Code:
Before a member is allowed to register, they will be required to enter the correct code which is predetermined by an administrator. All registrations for a specific membership type share the same registration code.
Agree To Terms:
Content (text, photos, links) can be added to the registration form along with a required checkbox for the member to indicate they agree to follow the rules.
Email Notification:
Once a new member’s access has been approved by an administrator the website will send a configurable email to the new member to notify them of their approved status along with their login details. Members can change their username, password and any other details in their profile once they have logged into the website.
User Levels
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User Levels is a hierarchy of associated members such as a family, landlord vs renter or coach vs team members. There are 3 levels referred to as User Level 1 (primary), User Level 2 (such as a spouse) and User Level 3 (such as children). User Levels help with data integrity, limiting access and reporting.
The following fields are kept in sync for associated members: chapter, join date, expiration date, membership type and property.
Profile Fields:
Custom profile fields can be set to only be applicable to certain User Levels. This impacts which fields are available to members on the register and update profile forms. An administrator has access to all fields regardless of a member’s User Level.
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Manual and automatic double entry accounting entries are made based on transactions entered on the website. Financial data is shown in common financial reports.
Graphical Snapshots:
Summary charts give a snapshot of monthly revenue for the past 6 months, monthly expenses for the past 6 months, membership vs product revenue for the past 3 years and bank account balances.
Chart of Accounts:
Create custom general ledger accounts for current assets, bank accounts, accounts receivable, fixed assets, other assets, current liabilities, credit cards, accounts payable, long-term liabilities, other liabilities, equity, revenue, expense and costs of goods sold. Optionally create and show account numbers.
Sub Accounts:
Multiple sub accounts can also be created. On reports, the sub accounts will be shown as detail and a total for their parent account.
Accounting Method:
Choose a default accounting method of either cash basis or modified accrual basis. This setting can be changed on-the-fly and all accounting transactions and financial reports will reflect the change.
Manual Journal Entry:
Manual journal entries can be created to adjust general ledger account balances.
Automatic Accounting:
Customizable accounting entries are automatically created for each transaction.
Transactions can be searched based on member/property name, amount, date range, status, reference number and transaction type.
Audit Log:
When a transaction is modified, a log entry is created which shows the administrator who made the change, when the change was made and a snapshot of all data. These logs are found within each transaction which shows a chronological history of all changes made to that transaction. These logs can also be viewed in an overall list which is searchable by administrator’s name, effective date range, modified date range, type of change made and type of transaction.
Financial Reports:
Several reports are available which includes: balance sheet, general ledger account register, income statement and trial balance. When applicable, reports can show cash basis or modified accrual basis.
Credit Memos & Refunds
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Credit memos and refunds reduce the amount members owe. Members are able to view these transactions and how they affected their account balance.
Credit Memos:
Adjustments can be made to a member’s account balance. Open credit amounts can either be refunded or applied against invoices.
When a refund is issued to a member, the transaction reduces your bank account’s general ledger balance based on the account the money was refunded from. A payment that was made online can also be refunded to the member’s credit card.
Financial Reports:
The Income Statement is automatically adjusted to reflect applied and unapplied credit memos. The logic is based on cash basis or modified accrual basis accounting which can be changed on-the-fly when running the report.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each credit memo and refund which is only viewable by administrator(s).
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The deposit process helps keep track of incoming payments and bank account balances. Accounting entries are automatically created made when a deposit is recorded.
Undeposited Funds:
The deposit process is used to make the accounting entry when moving individual payments out of a suspense account, such as Undeposited Funds or Online Payments, and into a bank account. The purpose of a suspense account is to temporarily record transactions until the payments received are actually deposited into a bank account. When the balance of the suspense account only contains amounts waiting to be deposited, an administrator can easily see and follow up on older amounts that were not received.
Deposit Batches:
Undeposited checks are batched together as a deposit accounting entry when the checks are taken to the bank. An accounting entry moves the money between accounts and a detail batch report maintains a history of which checks belong to each deposit.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each deposit which is only viewable by administrator(s).
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In a few simple steps, website visitors can easily give money to your organization through our Donations feature. Payments can be accepted online and entered manually if received through other means. The donations ability uses our Quick Payment feature.
Unlimited Campaigns:
A campaign is a cause that somebody wishes to donate to. Each campaign has its own settings for how money is accepted, how notifications are handled and what information is displayed on the website.
The administrator(s) can set a start and end date on each campaign to control when the cause is available to accept payments. Separate date options can also control the date ranges each campaign is displayed on the website.
Custom Field:
A custom field can be added to the payment form to ask for additional information from the donor such as a comment or preferred recipient.
Amount Controls:
The donor can make a payment for any amount, within the configurable minimum and maximum amounts, or choose amounts from a predetermined list.
Public Donor List:
The administrator(s) can choose to display on the website the names of visitors who have donated to the campaign. The amount donated can also be shown. If the public donor list is enabled, donors will have an option to show or hide their name in the list.
Campaign Progress:
Optionally display on the website the total amount received and/or the campaign goal. The progress can also be shown as a progress bar with configurable colors.
Optionally send the donor an automatic email message that is customized by the administrator(s). The message can include a receipt for the payment and campaign’s details for tax purposes. Receipts can also include your organization’s logo.
Transaction History:
Members can view their donation history through the website.
Guest Members:
Optionally allow non-members to access and make an online payment. Guest members will be automatically added as members of the website without going through the registration process. They are not sent login information nor do they have access to any areas of the website that require a login. Guest members are also flagged as guest members so that they can optionally be kept separate from regular members.
Manual Payments:
The administrator(s) can also enter non-online donations they received, such as cash and checks.
As with our Online Payments feature, refunds can be issued directly through the website. Accounting entries are automatically created and the money is refunded to the member’s credit card.
The administrator(s) can view a payment history for each campaign that includes the details of each donation.
The campaign’s payment history can be exported into csv format (Excel).
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) as a long description, on the payment form and on the receipt page.
Campaign history is searchable based on the member’s name, email address and payment date.
Each campaign can go to a different general ledger revenue account. When a payment is made, the accounting entry is automatically created. The revenue for each campaign is then recorded on the financial statements.
Mass Emails:
The administrator(s) can send a mass email to donors that donated to a specific campaign.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each campaign and payment which is only viewable by administrator(s).
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Expenses can be recorded on the website so that financial reports reflect the financial condition of your organization.
Expense entries can be created which include up to 9 transaction lines, the bank account the money was paid out of, date and the reference number.
Each expense can go to a different general ledger account.
Modified Accrual Basis:
Expense transactions are recorded as cash basis accounting meaning there is not an accounts payable liability logic. Therefore, if your organization is using the accrual basis accounting, the processes and reports will be based on modified accrual basis.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each expense which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Invoices & Payments
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Members and administrators can create invoices, make payments and view transaction history directory through the website. Automatic accounting entries are made for each transaction.
Graphical Charts:
Summary charts give a snapshot of accounts receivable aging, total members by status, active members by user level and monthly member registrations for the past 6 months.
Automatic Invoices:
When a member registers on the website or renews their membership, an invoice is automatically created if the member has a fee. Members can also be given the option and/or required to purchase available products based on their membership type.
Manual Invoices:
An administrator can create an invoice for membership and/or products at any time. Invoices can be attached to a specific member or to a property. If an invoice is attached to a property, all members attached to the property will be able to view and pay the invoice.
Bulk Invoices:
Using a filter, an invoice can be mass produced and attached to selected members or selected properties. Mass emails can then be sent to members that have a new invoice.
Renewal Invoices:
When a membership renewal invoice is paid, the member’s expiration date can be automatically adjusted to a specific date or to a calculated date based on their membership type’s renewal period.
Multiple Transaction Lines:
Each invoice can have up to 9 transaction lines. Each transaction line stores membership types and products. Default item names, description and amounts are populated when the transaction line is added. Multiple quantities can be entered for product transaction lines which automatically calculates and updates the invoice total.
Due Days:
A configurable number of days is used to automatically populate the due date when an invoice is created. The due date can be changed on individual invoices. Membership registration and renewal invoices use a different logic based on either the action date or first day of the new renewal period.
Invoice Messages:
Standard and custom messages can be automatically added and updated on invoices. This is useful for payment instructions and terms.
Invoice Logo:
A logo can be uploaded to be shown at the top of invoices. We can also help create your graphic file.
Online Payments:
Payments can be handled online and directly through the website. This allows for the website to track and record all transactions in a single location and gives members a seamless process to view the amount they owe and make a payment.
Manual Payments:
An administrator can enter non-online payments, such as when a check is received. Checks can be placed into the Undeposited Funds account to properly account for money that has not yet been deposited into a bank account.
Payment Policy:
Content (text, photos, links) can be created which will be shown at the bottom of the transaction list page and on the page where members select the invoices they wish to pay.
Website Notification:
When a member visits the website, they can optionally be shown their current account balance and a link to pay their open invoices.
Email Notification:
An automatic email notification can be sent to the member when a new transaction is created. The email contains a link for anybody with access to that link to view the transaction on the website.
Automatic Accounting:
Customizable accounting entries are automatically created for each transaction line.
Transaction History:
Through the website, members can see their past invoices and payments along with open invoices. Members can pay their outstanding balance through the website which will automatically make the accounting entry and close the outstanding invoice(s). Administrators can search and view a chronological listing of all transactions or transactions attached to a specific member or property.
Invoice View Tracking:
When an invoice is initially viewed, the time and date is logged. A view indicator is also shown in transaction list.
Transactions can be searched based on member/property name, amount, date range, status, reference number and transaction type.
Audit Log:
When a transaction is modified, a log entry is created which shows the administrator who made the change, when the change was made and a snapshot of all data. These logs are found within each transaction which shows a chronological history of all changes made to that transaction. These logs can also be viewed in an overall list which is searchable by administrator’s name, effective date range, modified date range, type of change made and type of transaction.
Several reports help analyze transaction activity and the financial condition of your organization. When applicable, reports can show cash basis or modified accrual basis. These reports include: accounts receivable aging, invoice summary by month, payment summary by month and bank account, refund summary by month and bank account, sales by membership type by month, sales by product by month and member/property account statement.
Online Payments
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Online payment services are provided by Stripe. Stripe’s services are only signed up through us, which then connects our functionality to Stripe’s functionality. You will then have your own Stripe account.
Credit card information is entered through Stripe’s functionality, which is separate from your organization’s website. Therefore, you do not need insurance for accepting online payments or have the risk of storing credit card information.
Processing Fees:
The credit card processing fee is 2.9% plus $0.80 (USD/CAD) for credit card payments. 0.8% ($5 cap) plus $2.00 for max fee of $7 for US Bank payments (ACH). US Bank payments (ACH) are only available for US based organizations. There are no minimums or monthly/annual fees.
Payment Options:
During the payment step, members choose to pay with a credit card, Google Pay, Apple Pay or a transfer from their bank account.
Accounting entries are automatically created for online payments and processing fees.
Members are able to see a listing of all open invoices. When the member makes the online payment, the member chooses which invoices they wish to pay. Members are not allowed to make a partial payment for an invoice.
Open Credits:
If the member has an open/unapplied credit, the member’s credit will be automatically applied to any open invoices and be reflected in the total amount due when the member makes their online payment.
Online payment refunds are easily accomplished by clicking the refund button for a transaction. Members see refund details in their transaction history and automatically updates the member’s account balance. The proper accounting entries are also automatically created.
A history of all online payments is available on website. Administrators see all payments while members see the payments they have access to view.
Stripe Access:
You can log into your Stripe account at any time to access details such as payment and deposit history.
An automatic email is sent to the email address listed as Stripe’s primary administrator. A payment confirmation is also emailed to the member making the payment.
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Products are items made available for purchase when a member registers and/or renews their membership.
An invoice is automatically generated each time a member purchases a product.
Each product can go to a different general ledger account.
Membership Types:
Each membership type has its own configurable options for each product. These options include if the product is available to new members, available to renewing members, the maximum quantity that can be purchased and if the cost is prorated based on the membership period. An administrator can create an invoice for a product regardless of these settings.
The Sales by Product report shows total sales of each product by month. This report is configurable for cash or accrual accounting.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each product which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Quick Payment
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Quick Payment uses our Online Payments feature and is a separate process from our Invoices & Payments feature. With Quick Payment, a visitor can make an online payment without the invoice they are paying being created first. This is ideal for allowing members to make online payments when invoicing is handled by external accounting software and for simple items needing to be paid.
Unlimited Campaigns:
A campaign is a reason or topic for why somebody is giving your organization money. Each campaign has its own settings for the amounts accepted, how notifications are handled and what information is displayed on the website.
The administrator(s) can set a start and end date on each campaign to control when payments are accepted. Separate date options can also control the date ranges each campaign is displayed on the website.
Each campaign has 3 options to control the amount that the member can pay. The member can freely enter the amount they pay based on the minimum and maximum amounts configured by the administrator(s). The member can be required to pay a specific amount. The administrator(s) can create a list of amounts for the member to choose from.
Custom Field:
A custom field can be added to the payment form to ask for additional information from the payer such as a comment or reference number.
Optionally send the person who made the payment an automatic email message that is customized by the administrator(s). The message can include a receipt for the payment and the campaign’s details. Receipts can also include your organization’s logo.
Transaction History:
Members can view their payment history through the website.
Guest Members:
Optionally allow non-members to access and make an online payment. Guest members will be automatically added as members of the website without going through the registration process. They are not sent login information nor do they have access to any areas of the website that require a login. Guest members are also flagged as guest members so that they can be optionally kept separate from regular members.
Manual Payments:
The administrator(s) can enter non-online payments, such as cash and checks, and attach them to members.
Campaign Progress:
Optionally display on the website the total amount received and/or the campaign goal. The progress can also be shown as a progress bar with configurable colors.
As with our Online Payments feature, refunds can be issued directly through the website. Accounting entries are automatically created and the money is refunded to the member’s credit card.
The administrator(s) can view a history for each campaign that includes the details of each payment.
The campaign’s payment history can be exported into csv format (Excel).
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) as a long description, on the payment form and on the receipt page.
Campaign history is searchable based on the member’s name, email address and payment date.
Optionally track and display each campaign’s progress towards a collection goal.
Each campaign can go to a different general ledger revenue account. When a payment is made, the accounting entry is automatically created. The revenue for each campaign is then recorded on the financial statements.
Mass Emails:
The administrator(s) can send a mass email to members who made a payment to a specific campaign.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each campaign and payment which is only viewable by administrator(s).
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The reconciliation process helps ensure all transactions are properly accounted for within each general ledger account. Reconciled transactions are flagged so that they are not accidentally changed.
Each general ledger account can be reconciled for any accounting period.
When reconciling an account, the desired ending balance and end date are entered. Unreconciled transactions, that occurred on and prior to the end date, will appear in the list. Individual transaction can be selected until the desired ending balance is achieved, which means the account is reconciled and in balance.
When attempting to change a reconciled transaction, the website will alert the administrator. If the change is saved and alters the account balance, the reconciliation will show the difference that was created.
A reconciliation can be started and the progress saved until it can be finished at a later date.
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Accounts Receivable Aging:
Shows open invoices broken down by current, 30, 60 and 90+ days so you can see how long each invoice has been outstanding.
Balance Sheet:
The balance of asset, liability and equity accounts.
General Ledger Account Register:
Shows all transactions for each general ledger account.
Income Statement:
Shows profit based on income and expenses.
Invoice Summary:
A monthly total of invoice transactions for each month by revenue account.
Payment Summary:
A monthly total of payments received for each month by payment method.
Refund Summary:
A monthly total of refunds issued for each month by payment method.
Sales by Membership Type:
A monthly total of sales for each Membership Type.
Sales by Product:
A monthly total of sales for each Product.
Shows all transactions and open balance for the selected member or property.
Trial Balance:
Summarizes the current debit and credit balances for each general ledger account.
Year End
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The year end logic prepares your financial reports for your tax filing.
Fiscal Year End:
A configurable date is entered to match your organization’s fiscal year end. Financial reports are based on the fiscal year end.
Automatic Year End:
The balance sheet is automatically adjusted based on the fiscal year end. This allows for easy switching between cash and modified accrual basis and makes it easier to make adjusting entries without having to also correct any closing entries.
Manual Entries:
Account balances can be adjusted with manual journal entries.
Useful Content
Content Pages
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Everybody has their own unique needs and ideas as to what information they wish to put on their website. So, we keep it flexible. You decide what pages you have, what each page is titled, how the pages are organized and what content is on each page.
Content Only:
A Content Page is a blank page where you type in the text you wish to appear on the page, such as your About Us page. A Content Page is not a page using a feature, such as the Calendar, nor files you upload, such as a pdf.
Control Your Content
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Keep the website’s content fresh through our Content Editor which gives the administrator(s) control over the text areas of the website. The Content Editor uses a familiar email software interface for changes such as styles, bold text, bullets and links to documents/pages. Changes are accomplished by simply filling out the text box with the new content, using the icons to control formatting, click the save button and your changes are instantly live on the website.
Consistent Look:
Choose automatic text formatting “styles” that match the website’s design for a consistent and professional look.
Spell Check:
Spell check features including suggestions for misspelled words.
History and Restore:
The Administrator can view 2 previous versions of a page to reference what was changed, when the change was made and who made the change. Prior versions can also be restored to the website with a single click.
File Manager:
The administrator(s) can upload, rename and delete both documents and images through the File Manager. Multiple files can also be selected and uploaded together to the website. A progress bar shows the upload status of each file. Images are automatically resized to be web friendly during the upload process.
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Posting documents online is an excellent way to ensure everyone always has the most current resources and information at their fingertips without first having to request information to be mailed or emailed to them. Feel free to post any documents you wish on your website.
Save money on copies, postage and administrative time as visitors view documents on their own and at their leisure.
Documents can be divided into categories on a documents page and/or added to any other pages you choose to have on the website. It is completely flexible to make sure visitors get the documents they are looking for without the hassle.
Multiple Uploads:
Multiple files can be selected and uploaded together to the website. A progress bar shows the upload status of each file. Images are automatically resized to be web friendly during the upload process.
Convert to PDF:
In case documents are not in Adobe PDF format, free PDF tools convert documents to full color PDF on-the-fly.
Embed Video
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Include your own or other people’s video creations on your website from popular providers such as YouTube or Vimeo.
Configure the size of the video so that it fits neatly on your website.
File Cabinet
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Store document revisions, notes, internal minutes, etc in the online File Cabinet.
Create folders and subfolders to categorize and make files easier to find.
Multiple File Upload:
Multiple files can selected from your computer and then uploaded to the File Cabinet with a single click.
Upload Requirements:
Image file types need to be under 6MB and document file types under 15MB. Common Microsoft Office, PDF and image types are allowed to be uploaded.
Optionally display images as thumbnails to make images easier to find and select.
Using the Sub Admin feature, access can be given to individual members, such as board members, which allows them to manage the files in the File Cabinet.
Storing files online is also beneficial when board members change and historical working documents and notes don’t always get transitioned to new board members.
Member Home Page
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When visitors successfully log into the website from the login link on the navigation they are redirected to the home page of the website. Optionally set any other page as the destination once the visitor has logged in.
Mini View Boxes
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A page using the Mini View feature is great for posting the newest and most relevant information so that visitors can see a snapshot of many of the website’s pages in a single view. Visitors can then click a link within each Mini View for the full details.
User Friendly:
Choose from features such as announcements, news, upcoming events, surveys, message board and many more.
It is up to you what content you put on your website. So, feel free to include any other content boxes that fit your needs.
Choose for each box individually if the visitor must have one of the required access levels in order to see the contents within the box.
Easily rearrange the column a box appears in and the order within the column. Boxes can also be organized as a single column on the page.
The Mini View feature can either be placed on your home page or any other page of the website.
Unlimited Storage Space
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Storage is for the photos and documents you upload to your website.
Automatic Resizing:
Any large photos uploaded to the website will be automatically resized to be smaller in size and web friendly.
Upload Requirements:
Image file types need to be under 6MB and document file types under 15MB. Common Microsoft Office, PDF and image types are allowed to be uploaded.
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A blog allows you to have personal journals that are available for visitors to read on the website. If enabled, members can also add comments to each journal entry.
Each blog entry is assigned to an author. Authors receive an email notification when new comments are posted to their blog entries.
Optionally create categories and subcategories to group similar entries. Categories are also used by visitors to filter blog entries.
If enabled, members can adds a comment to a blog entry. Other visitors will also be able to view the comments.
Automatic Display Begin:
Each blog entry can be given a date and time to begin appearing on the website.
Home Page Mini View:
If enabled, the administrator(s) choose how many of the newest blog entries are automatically displayed on the website’s home page. Further controls are available to define which details are shown on the home page.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete blog entries. The administrator(s) can edit and delete comments.
Approval Settings:
New comments can either be immediately added to the website or first require an author’s approval. An email notification is sent to the author for each new comment submission.
Single Click Approve:
The author can quickly approve new comments by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the comment optionally receives an automated email notification when their comment has been approved and added to the website. The author can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The author can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Administrator(s) choose if members can edit their own comments. A detailed email notification is sent to the author for each modified comment.
Hold Status:
Blog entries can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the new comment page.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing which is only viewable by administrator(s).
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Display a monthly calendar style view for your events. Visitors can scroll through months to see upcoming events.
Events include title, location, description, date and times. Descriptions can also include formatted text, links and photos.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete events.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new events. The administrator(s) can also disable the ability for visitors to submit new events.
Approval Settings:
New events submitted by visitors can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each newly submitted event.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new events without first having to visit and log into the website by clicking a link in the approval email they receive. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The visitor who submitted the event optionally receives an automated email notification when their event has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit the events they submitted. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified event.
Create unlimited categories and subcategories to help organize and filter events. Categories can be disabled to hide items from view on the website.
List View:
Optionally include a chronological listing of events on the page along with the calendar style view. The calendar style view can also be disabled.
Mini View:
A mini view can be added to your home page to showcase a configurable number of upcoming events. The date format and which event fields appear are also configurable.
Recurring Events:
Set up events as recurring for practically any combination of scheduling logic. Individual events can be overridden within a series for special exceptions.
Hold Status:
Individual events can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the calendar page and the submit a new event page.
Personal Calendar:
Optionally allow visitors to click a link to add an event into their personal calendar such as Outlook or Google Calendar.
Feature Integration:
If using our Event Registration feature, the calendar can also display event registrations which will allow a visitor to register for an event directly from the calendar.
There are many other settings to control how the calendar operates such as the day of the week the week begins, time increments and display options.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each event which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Contact Us
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Utilize common “Contact Us” fill-in forms but with even more robust features.
Visitors choose the recipient type/category from a drop down and the message will be automatically emailed to the appropriate person or multiple people without revealing the email address(s) to the visitor.
Subject Option:
Use a drop down list by message subject to help better organize incoming emails.
Customize the form to better fit your needs including fields, field types, layout, required fields and more.
Auto Populate:
If the visitor is logged into the website, the name and email fields are be automatically populated on the form so the member does not have to retype their details.
A historical log of all messages submitted through your Contact Us page is kept on the website. The log is searchable and private notes can be saved for each message.
Export messages into csv format (Excel) based on date range.
Spam Controls:
Integrated spam controls to keep spammers and automated scripts from submitting the form.
Email Publisher
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Administrator(s) can create email friendly announcements with our Email Publisher and mass email them to members through the website.
Filter Recipients:
Messages can be sent to all members, a single member or a filtered selection of members based on the information in their profile fields.
Control the layout of the message such as text color/size, tables and bulleted lists. Images can also be included in the email.
Spell check:
The Email Publisher automatically checks spelling as words are typed. Suggestions are offered for common misspelled words.
From Address:
Configurable from email address for each message. Emails are sent from our servers and not your email account nor computer. Therefore, you do not need to have email accounts for your domain name nor worry about your email provider being upset with you for sending mass emails.
Test Send:
The administrator can optionally send the email message only to them self.
Files can be uploaded to the website and then linked to within the email message.
A signature is saved text that appears at the bottom of an email message. Unlimited signatures can be created and then optionally selected when composing the email message.
Email Duplicates:
Before sending the email message, the website will show how many emails will be sent and how many of those email addresses are a duplicate. The administrator can choose to send to all email addresses in the list or to have duplicate email addresses automatically removed.
The administrator can save an email message as a draft for future use which is only available to that administrator.
The administrator can save an email message as a template for future use which is available to all administrators. Templates can also be organized into categories.
Track Views:
Optionally add tracking code to an email message which is used to determine when the recipient first views the message. This statistic is dependent upon the recipient’s email software/provider allowing the message to be tracked.
Future Scheduling:
Email messages can be scheduled to be sent immediately or at a future date and time. Messages that have not yet been sent can also be cancelled.
Mass emails are sent as separate emails to each member’s individual email address. So, recipients are not exposed to the email addresses of other members.
Personal Messages:
Automatically personalize each email message with field(s) from the member’s profile. Example: “Hello Dave. We have your phone number listed as 132-4567. Update your profile if this is not correct.”
The website maintains a 4 year history of email messages sent, who they were sent to, how many of the messages were viewed and the settings that were configured for the email message. History can be searched based on the content, date and recipient. History messages can also be saved as a Draft to be modified and used again.
Facebook Social Plugins
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Using Facebook’s Social Plugin capabilities include features from your Facebook account such as a like button, activity feed and comments.
Visit Facebook’s website for more information.
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RSS feeds allow people to receive alerts on their computer when new items are added to the website. Notifications appear in the visitor’s chosen RSS reader software. This helps people stay informed of new additions to the website without having to first visit the website.
The administrator(s) can individually enable RSS feeds for the following features: Member Announcements, Business Directory, Find a Sitter, Homes for Sale, News Articles, Pet Directory, Recipe Book, Reviews, Teen Services and Upcoming Events.
User Friendly:
Visitors can choose to subscribe to all active RSS feeds as a single feed or subscribe individually to each active feed.
Scheduled News Articles
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News Articles allows posting of information/announcements on your website in an article format. If enabled, members can also add comments to each article.
Images and Links:
Include images and links to websites and documents within each article.
Home Page Mini View:
If enabled, the administrator(s) can choose how many of the most recent articles appear on the website’s home page. Articles can either appear with full details or configurable combinations of title, comments, date and description fields.
The administrator(s) can create, edit, enable, disable and delete articles along with edit and delete comments.
The administrator(s) can set a start and stop date each article is to appear on the website.
Automatically display expired articles on an archived articles page of your website. Archived articles and organized by year and month based on the date they were displayed on the website. Archives can also be disabled.
Short and Long Versions:
The website displays a configurable short text version for long articles along with a “Read More” link to view the complete text of the article.
Choose for each article if members are allowed to post a comment to the article. Comments are displayed along with the article for other visitors to read. Additional controls are in place to either allow or disallow a member from posting more than one comment for an article.
Approval Settings:
New comments can either be automatically approved or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new comment submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new comments by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Comments can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photo) to the top of the Archives page and at the top of the Add a New Comment page.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for your active articles.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each article which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Text Messaging
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An administrator(s) can create and send mass text messages through the website.
US Phone Numbers:
Only US based phone numbers are supported.
Filter Recipients:
Messages can be sent to all members, a single member or a filtered selection of members based on the information in their profile fields.
Each message can contain up to 160 characters.
Profile Field:
The text messaging field type is used to store the phone number to use for each member.
Opt Out:
Recipients can reply STOP to a text message to automatically remove their phone number from future messages. Members can also remove the text messaging phone number from their profile.
Dedicated From Number:
During the initial setup, a toll free phone number will be automatically selected. Text messages will be shown coming from this phone number. Text messages sent to this phone number will not be received.
Verified Accounts:
The toll free phone number will be submitted to the various phone carriers as a verified number in order to increase delivery success.
Duplicate Filter:
Duplicate phone numbers are automatically removed from each text message batch.
The Admin Panel shows the remaining balance of available messages.
An administrator can save a text message as a template for future use which is available to all administrators. Templates are also organized into categories.
Future Scheduling:
Text messages can be scheduled to be sent immediately or at a future date and time. Messages that have not yet been sent can also be cancelled.
Messages are sent as separate text messages to each member’s phone number. So, recipients are not exposed to the phone numbers of other recipients.
The website maintains a history of text messages sent, the phone number they were sent to and a status. History can be searched based on a date range and phone number. History messages can also be saved as a template to be modified and used again.
Upcoming Events
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The Upcoming Events functionality displays events in date order and within a single page view so that visitors can see what events are coming up next in a quick glance.
Specific Fields:
Upcoming Events includes relevant fields including title, begin date, end date, time, location and description.
Home Page Mini View:
If enabled, the administrator(s) choose how many of the next Upcoming Events are automatically displayed on the website’s home page. Events can either display with full event details or only the events’ titles and dates. Visitors can then click a link to view full details for those events and see a list of all upcoming events. Past events are automatically removed from the home page.
Images and Links:
Administrator(s) can be as creative and informative as they would like with each event by including images and links to documents or other websites within the event’s description.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete events.
Optionally allow visitors to submit new events. Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit an event and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new listings to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
New listings can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new event submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve a new event by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the event optionally receives an automated email notification when their event has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own events. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified event.
Automatic Expiration:
Events are automatically deleted from the website 24 hours after the end date of the event.
Hold Status:
Events can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them. This makes it easier to pre-populate tentative events prior to announcing them on the website.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the Upcoming Events page and to the new submission page.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for events.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each event which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Improved Processes
Board Member Only Features
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Board and committee members can be given access to special features to help keep your organization running smoothly.
Board Organizer:
Tool to store vendor contacts and project notes in a central location.
File Cabinet:
Upload documents to the website for online sharing with fellow board/committee members only. This is great for maintaining documents for group projects. Members with any access to the File Cabinet have access at all files in the File Cabinet. Image file types need to be under 6MB and document file types under 15MB. Common Microsoft Office, PDF and image types are allowed to be uploaded.
Private Message Board:
Create multiple categories with limited access on the Message Board feature for online discussion or to document important matters. Using Access Levels, each category can be customized to be viewed and responded to by certain members. The members can also be sent automatic email notifications when new information has been added.
Private Calendar:
Create categories within the Calendar feature that are only viewable by members with the appropriate Access Level. This is useful for meetings and deadlines that are not relevant to other members of the organization.
Custom Fill-in Forms
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Give visitors a method to instantly submit information to your organization through the website instead of manually mailing or faxing. Using our Request Manager functionality (see features below) you can have unlimited web based fill-in forms modeled after your regular paper forms. You can even link to individual forms from anywhere on your website.
Required Fields:
Individual fields can be made required which will not allow the visitor to submit the form unless they have entered the necessary information.
Auto Populate:
If the visitor is logged into the website, the name and email fields are be automatically populated on the form so the member does not have to retype their details.
Allow visitors to upload multiple documents and images along with the fill-in form.
Email Notification:
The submitted details are instantly emailed to the person(s) the administrator(s) designate along with an email not the person who submitted the form.
Online Tracking:
Requests are tracked and updated through the website. The website will maintain a history of all requests which is easily searchable.
Event Registration
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The Event Registration feature displays a list of events and allows members to register themselves and their family members. For events with a fee, payments can be processed online and paid from an invoice.
Unlimited Events:
Each event shows a title, location, short description, long description and dates. The long description can also include formatted text, links and photos.
Registration Types:
Similar to tickets, unlimited Registration Types can be created which control the price and availability for members registering for the event. The administrator(s) can reconfigure a Registration Type at any time.
The administrator(s) can set a start and end date on each event to control when registrations are accepted. Separate date options can also control the date ranges each event is displayed on the website. Plus, events can be set as active or inactive.
Cost Calculations:
The event’s price can be configured based on the registrations and/or the number of attendees. Different prices can also be set based on the User Level of the attendee. This is useful if children pay a different price than adults.
Registration Controls:
Each event can allow unlimited members to register. Events can also be set to close registration once a specific number of registrations has been met.
Attendee Controls:
Registrants choose which of their members will be attending the event. Each event can allow unlimited attendees. Events can also be set to close once a specific number of attendees has been met.
Registration Counts:
The website automatically keeps a running total of the number of registrants and attendees. Event organizers can be sent an automatic email once any registrant or attendee count limits have been reached.
Show Attendee List:
Optionally display the list of attendees on the website. The answers to custom questions can also be configured for display. Individual registrants can choose to not be included in the list.
Pending Registrations:
To prevent overbooking, registration slots are placed on hold when a member starts the registration process. If the member does not complete the registration process, the slots are automatically reopened for other members to register.
Multiple Registrations:
Optionally allow members to register for an event more than once.
Cancelled Registrations:
If a registration is cancelled, it is held in a cancellation area so that it can be easily added again as an active registration.
Registration Code:
Optionally require the registrant to enter a specific code in order to register in a particular Registration Type. This is useful for coupon codes that the registrant enters in order to receive a discounted price. Using the availability logic, this capability is further customizable to be available for a limited date range and/or for a set number of registrations.
Guest Members:
Optionally allow non-members to access and register for an event. Guest members will be automatically added as members of the website without going through the registration process. They are not sent login information nor do they have access to any areas of the website that require a login. Guest members are also flagged as guest members so that they can be optionally kept separate from regular members.
Access Levels:
Registration Types can be individually set to require one or more Access Levels in order for the member to be given access to register for the event with the Registration Type.
User Levels:
With the User Level ability, registrants and/or attendees can be limited to members that are a specific User Level.
Scheduled Emails:
Unlimited email messages can be configured and scheduled to be automatically sent to all registrants and attendees based on the number of days before, on or after the event’s date.
Online Payments:
Registrants can be required to pay online in order to complete the registration process. Registrations are automatically removed if the online payment is not completed within the set timeframe.
Registrants can be shown an invoice at the end of the registration process which displays payment instructions, such as sending a check. This allows members to pay later while their registration slot remains reserved. An administrator can enter payments received, which automatically marks the registration as paid.
Payment Tracking:
The administrator(s) can filter the registration list based on payment status. Results can also be exported into csv format (Excel).
Transaction History:
Members can view their payment and event history through their profile.
With our Online Payments feature, refunds can be issued to the member’s credit card directly through the website.
Automatic Accounting:
Each Registration Type can go to a different general ledger revenue account. Accounting entries are automatically created based on transaction activity. The revenue for each event is shown on the financial statements.
Invoice Updating:
If a registration is modified and there is a change in the amount the registrant owes, the invoice can be automatically updated to show the new price unless a payment has already been processed or manual modifications were made to the invoice.
Optionally send the registrant an automatic email message that is customized by the administrator(s). The message can include a receipt for the registration and any pertinent information regarding attending the event. An email notification can also be sent to the event organizers which also includes the registrant’s details.
Custom Questions:
Add up to 100 custom questions to each event. Questions include a variety of field types from small boxes to selectable lists plus configurable section dividers and paragraphs of text. Individual questions can also be set as required.
Custom Question Results:
The answers for each of the custom questions can be aggregated so that the administrator(s) can view all answers to each question within a single view. Questions that are based on a number or selection are further summarized based on percentage of members that chose a particular answer.
Manage Registrations:
The administrator(s) can also edit and register new attendees plus optionally attach a new registration to a registered member of the website.
Self Managed:
Optionally allow registrants to edit some of their own registration details. An additional control limits modifications within a configurable number of days before the event. The event organizers are automatically sent an email with the details of each modified registration.
Mass Email:
At any time through the website, the administrator(s) can send a mass email to all registrants and attendees. Emails can also be sent to individual registrants.
Check In:
The administrator(s) can mark individual attendees as attending the event. The check in sheet is also printable and displays the payment status of each registration.
The administrator(s) can search registrations based on name, email, registration type, registration date, invoice status as well as any custom questions. The search results can be used to send a mass email to only those members that appeared in the search results. These results can also be exported into csv format (Excel).
Summary Report:
This report gives an overview of the event’s registration and financial activity.
Show Details In Calendar Feature:
The event can be automatically shown the calendar feature.
Personal Calendar:
Optionally allow visitors to click a link to add an event into their personal calendar such as Outlook or Google Calendar.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) numerous places throughout the feature. This allows for specific information to be shown before registering, after registering, when making a payment and for members that are already registered for the event.
There are other settings to control how events operate such as time and date formats.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each event plus for each individual person who registered. Private notes are only viewable by the administrator(s).
Folder Viewer
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The Folder Viewer allows the administrator to display file folders they have created. Files which have been added to those folders will then be displayed on the website and grouped by folder.
There is no limit to the number of folders, sub-folders and files that can be displayed on the page. Sub-folders are also displayed unlimited levels deep to help organize files.
Display Order:
Folders can be rearranged to determine the order in which they appear. The files and sub-folders within each folder appear in alphabetical order by their name.
User Friendly:
Files in each folder are hidden until the visitor clicks on the folder. The folder will then slide open to reveal the files contained in the folder. This helps the page be more organized and less overwhelming if there are a lot of files.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete folders.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the main page.
Maintenance Requests
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A great feature for condominiums and apartment buildings to track repair orders through the website. Maintenance staff can view tickets, post replies and send email notifications. Maintenance Requests uses our Request Manager feature.
Custom Fields:
Submission forms can be customized with unlimited fields using a variety of field types from small boxes to selectable lists plus configure section dividers and paragraphs of text. Forms can be modified at any time including the order in which fields appear.
Permission to Enter:
A permission to enter field can be enabled on individual categories which allows the submitter to choose when staff is allowed to enter their residence.
Staff Members:
The administrator can assign unlimited members as staff. This gives the staff members access to manage tickets and send email notifications to the person who submitted the request.
Create unlimited categories to group requests by issue such as plumbing or burned out light.
Category Security:
If enabled, individual staff members can be restricted to only access requests in their assigned category(s).
Comments can be posted to each ticket as it is being worked on. An optional email notification can be sent to the person who submitted the request. This is great to keep the resident informed about the status of their request.
Printer Friendly:
If enabled, staff members can print ticket details to take with them as they make their rounds.
Member Updates:
If enabled, the person who submitted the ticket can log into the website to view the status of their requests, post additional comments and mark their ticket as resolved.
Audit Trails:
Each change made to a ticket is logged within the ticket along with who made the change.
Custom Statuses:
The Administrator(s) can create unlimited custom statuses to be assigned to tickets in order to organize and track their status. Custom statuses can also be disabled.
Administrator Control:
The Administrator(s) can configure many settings to control how the functionality works such as what members can access, email notifications and terminology. Tickets and individual replies can also be deleted by the Administrator(s).
Allow members to post feedback and a rating for how they feel their ticket was handled. This option can be disabled. View summarized reports at both the category and Staff levels.
Overdue Notice:
Automatic overdue notice for any tickets that are older than a configurable timeframe to be resolved.
Printer Friendly Reports:
Rolling 12 month reports are generated for a variety of details from monthly ticket volume by category to staff activity.
Export tickets into csv format (Excel) based on category and date range.
Official Voting
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Official Voting works in conjunction with our Questionnaire feature. The specific details for the Questionnaire feature are in the Questionnaire section below. Questionnaires allow members to vote online on matters that affect their organization, such as rule changes and elections.
Ask your attorney if our features meet the requirements of your state laws and governing documents.
Unlimited Questions:
Have one or multiple questions open for voting. There is no limit on the number of questions that can be active at a time.
Double Voting Controls:
Each registered member will only be allowed to cast their vote to each question once. Additional controls can limit voting based on User Level, such as only the head of the household can vote.
The administrator(s) can view real time results of each question. Question types (selectable list, rating, yes/no etc) determine how the voting totals are displayed so that they are informative.
Export Results:
The administrator(s) can export detailed results into Excel for documentation. The export file will contain the member’s name, email, address, vote date, question asked, answer and any comments.
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The Questionnaire feature allows members to be presented with a variety of questions which they answer through the website. Responses are then totaled and summarized.
Unlimited Questionnaires:
Create unlimited questionnaires for members to complete. Both start and stop dates can be entered for each questionnaire which determines when it is open for responses and displayed on the website. Questionnaires can also be placed on hold to temporarily hide them from view on the website.
Unlimited Questions:
Create unlimited questions which can contain text, photos and links. For each question there are a variety of field types such as text boxes, selectable lists, numbers, dates, rating scales and more. The order each question appears in the questionnaire can be changed at any time. To minimize bias due to the order of the choices, questions that are a selectable list can optionally have the list’s order randomized.
Double Voting Controls:
Each registered member will only be allowed to cast their vote to each question once.
Progress Bar:
As the member is answering questions, the page will reflect both graphical and numerical indicators to show how close they are to completing the questionnaire.
For each question, an optional comments box can be enabled to allow the member to further explain their answer.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete questionnaires. The administrator(s) can also delete and view individual respondents.
Automatic Close:
Optionally close the questionnaire based on a specific date or once a set number of members have completed the questionnaire. Optionally allow members to see summarized results once the questionnaire is closed.
Questionnaires can be individually set to require one or more access levels in order for the member to be given access to complete the questionnaire.
User Levels:
With the User Level ability, each questionnaire can be set to only be available to members based on their User Level. This gives the ability for one vote per household.
The administrator(s) can view real time results of each question. The data is summarized specifically to each question type so that results are informative. A special link can also be provided to non administrator(s) for viewing results.
Mass Email:
At any time through the website, the administrator(s) can send a mass email to all respondents, those who have completed the questionnaire or those who have partially completed the questionnaire.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the main questionnaire page, to the welcome screen members see prior to beginning the questionnaire and to the thank you page members see once they have completed the questionnaire.
The administrator can search respondents based on name, address, email and private notes.
Printer Friendly:
Optionally allow respondents to print out the details of their responses to each question.
Export Details:
The administrator(s) can export into csv format (Excel) the details of each respondent’s answers to all questions or to a specific question.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each questionnaire which are only viewable by the administrator(s).
Request Manager (Form Builder)
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The Request Manager handles and tracks requests submitted through the website. This is great to keep documentation for a variety of items from general questions to architectural requests.
Unlimited Custom Forms:
Create unlimited custom forms, with 40 custom questions per form, which are organized as a category to group similar submissions. Forms are configurable to have a variety of field types from small boxes to selectable lists plus configure section dividers and paragraphs of text. Forms can be modified at any time including the order in which fields appear. Forms can also be disabled to hide them from use.
Unlimited Staff:
The administrator can assign unlimited members as Staff. This gives the Staff access to manage requests and send email notifications to the person who submitted the request.
Form Security:
If enabled, individual Staff can be restricted to only manage requests for their assigned form(s).
Access Security:
If enabled, individual forms can be set to only allow specific access levels to view the form and submit requests.
Comments can be posted to each request as it is being worked on. An optional email notification can be sent to the person who submitted the request. This is useful for private voting and discussion for an issue prior to giving an official response to the person who submitted the request.
Member Updates:
If enabled, the person who submitted the request can log into the website to view the status of their requests, post additional comments and mark their request as resolved.
Audit Trails:
Each change made to a request is logged within the request along with who made the change.
Tracking and Search:
Submissions are given a unique ticket number. Requests can be searched based on ticket number, name and text within the request.
Custom Statuses:
The Administrator(s) can create unlimited custom statuses to be assigned to requests in order to organize and track their status. Custom statuses can also be disabled.
Unlimited Attachments:
Configurable maximum attachments that are allowed to be uploaded to each request.
Administrator Control:
The Administrator(s) can configure many settings to control how the functionality works such as what members can access, email notifications and terminology. Requests and individual replies can also be deleted by the Administrator(s).
Allow members to post feedback and a rating for how they feel their request was handled. This option can be disabled. View summarized reports at both the category and Responder levels.
Overdue Notice:
Automatic overdue notice for any requests that are older than a configurable timeframe to be resolved.
Block Users:
Block specific members from being able to access this feature and/or specific forms by using Access Levels.
Printer Friendly Reports:
Rolling 12 month reports are generated for a variety of details from monthly request volume by category to average turnaround times by month.
Export requests into csv format (Excel) based on form and date range.
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The Reservations feature is an efficient way for visitors to book specific time slots for various amenities. Separate rules can be set for individual amenities to control how they are reserved.
Unlimited Amenities:
Create as many amenities as you would like. Individual amenities can also be grouped into sub categories such as multiple tennis courts. This is useful when a visitor is not concerned with which tennis court they reserve but they would like to see the availability of all tennis courts at the same time.
Repeating Reservations:
Optionally allow visitors to submit recurring reservations for practically any combination of scheduling logic. Individual reservations can be overridden within a series for special exceptions.
Optionally display a slideshow of photos for each amenity on the main reservations page. A description can also be attached to each photo.
Unlimited Questions:
Custom questions can be added to each amenity. For each question there are a variety of field types such as text boxes, selectable lists, numbers, dates, rating scales and more. The order each question appears can be changed at any time and individually disabled. Questions can also be optionally set to be required.
Mini Calendars:
Mini calendars appear on an amenity’s reservation page for easy access to dates. The calendars also display color coded dates which reflect availability.
Optionally require one or more access levels in order for the visitor to view the amenity. If the visitor has access to view the amenity an additional one or more sets of access levels can further restrict the ability for the visitor to submit a reservation to the amenity.
The administrator(s) can add, edit and disable amenities. The administrator(s) can also add, approve, disapprove, edit, delete, and reassign a reservation to a different amenity.
Copy Amenity:
To save time when creating similar amenities, an amenity can be copied which will include all settings and custom questions. The details of the new amenity can then be modified.
Self Managed:
Optionally allow members to edit and delete their own reservations. The approver(s) receive an email notification reflecting old and new data when a reservation is modified.
Single Click Approve:
The approver(s) can quickly approve new reservations by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Display Logic:
Each amenity can be scheduled to only appear on the website during a set date range.
Each amenity can be configured with time rules such as the minimum and maximum amount of time that can be reserved plus how soon and how far in the future a date can be reserved. Each amenity is also individually set for what times during the day it is available for reservations. Controls automatically ensure a time slot is not reserved if another reservation has already been submitted.
Time Exceptions:
For each amenity, unlimited additional restrictions can be added based on the day of the week and time of the day.
For each amenity a customized email can optionally be sent to the person making the reservation. This is useful for specific rules or instructions regarding the amenity the person reserved.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the main reservation page, the individual amenity pages, the submit a new reservation page and on the thank you page.
There are many other settings to control how the feature works such as mini calendar options, showing reservation details to visitors and time increments.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each amenity plus each reservation. Private notes are only viewable by other administrator(s).
Frequently Asked Questions
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The FAQ functionality helps visitors quickly find answers to frequently asked questions.
Specific Fields:
Each topic has a question and an associated answer which special text formatting options which will help the administrator(s) be as clear and helpful as possible when writing answers.
Images and Links:
Administrator(s) can be as creative and informative as they would like with each answer by including images and links to documents or other websites within the answer’s description.
User Friendly:
Each question is a link that when clicked will simply slide open to display the answer. This keeps the website uncluttered and allows visitors to more quickly find the answer they are looking for. Visitors can also choose to automatically open or close all answers.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete topics.
Administrator(s) choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can view the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Automatic Expiration:
The administrator(s) can set a specific stop date for individual questions. Once the stop date is reached, the topic will be automatically hidden on the website. This is great for seasonal or special projects.
Expired topics are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Topics can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Optionally create unlimited categories to group similar topics.
Display Order:
Categories are listed in alphabetical order. Within each category, questions can be rearranged to determine the order in which they appear.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly added and/or recently updated topics. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each topic which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Image Gallery
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Display a visually appealing image gallery with interactive rotating images. The Image Gallery is great for showing off photos of the area or marketing images that highlight information on upcoming events.
The administrator(s) can add unlimited images to display in the gallery. Large image files will be automatically resized to be web friendly.
Each image can be given a start date and end date to determine when they will be displayed.
Hold Status:
Images can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Optionally enable titles and descriptions which will display below each image.
Full View:
Optionally enable a larger version of the image to be displayed when the visitor clicks on the image. The visitor can also advance through the larger version of the images.
Images can be rearranged to determine the order in which they appear.
Images are automatically resized to fill the space you choose them to fit within on your web page.
User Friendly:
Optionally enable thumbnails for each image, which visitors can click to control which image is displayed. If thumbnails are disabled, small circles will appear at the bottom of the images for visitor control.
Links Directory
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This feature displays a page which helps organize links to external websites.
User Friendly:
Each link can optionally include a description for the website and/or open in a new browser window when clicked.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete links.
Display Order:
Categories are listed in alphabetical order. Within each category, links can be rearranged to determine the order in which they appear.
Automatic Expiration:
The administrator(s) can set a specific stop date for individual links. Once the stop date is reached, the link will be automatically hidden on the website.
Expired links are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Links can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the links page.
Optionally create unlimited categories to group similar websites.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly added and/or recently modified links. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each link which is only viewable by administrator(s).
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The Map feature adds a Google Map to the website with a default placeholder for the address that was entered by the administrator(s).
The administrator(s) can set the default zoom level, map type and map size.
Content (text, links and photos) can be added both above and below the map.
Rotating Ads
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Create sponsor ads that contain text, images and links. Each time the web page reloads a different ad will display within the space.
Place individual ads into ad groups. Each group is then assigned to a specific location on your website. Ads assigned to the group will appear within the ad space. Individual ads can also be assigned to multiple groups.
Flexible Placement:
An ad group can appear in a single location on one page of your website or in a standard location on all pages of your website.
Start Date:
Individual ads can be given a future start date which determines when the website will automatically begin displaying the ad.
Automatic Expiration:
Optionally set an automatic expiration date for individual ads based on the number of times the ad has been viewed or based on a specific date.
Hold Status:
Ads can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
View statistics for each ad showing how many times the ad has been viewed since being added plus a rolling 12 month breakdown.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each ad which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Site Search
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Site Search allows visitors to search for specific words across pages on the website.
User Friendly:
Results are shown in a list format and grouped by feature. Plus, items are clickable and when clicked will take the visitor directly to the page or feature that matched their search criteria.
The matching words which were part of the search are highlighted on the page.
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The Sponsors functionality adds the ability to charge realtors, landscapers, contractors and even the local house cleaner an annual fee to post their company information on the website. Listings can also include their logo or a document along with their company details.
Specific Fields:
Listings include company specific fields such as company name, website, contact information and services provided.
Make Money:
We recommend $40 per year, but the administrator(s) decides the price structure. Sponsors pay your organization directly. As an additional incentive, we also suggest including the sponsor’s details in any newsletters and announcements sent to your members.
Images and Documents:
Sponsors can upload an image or document to be included in their ad.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete listings.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new listings and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new listings to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
New listings can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new listing submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new listings by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the listing optionally receives an automated email notification when their listing has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Automatic Expiration:
Configurable automatic expiration date for listings based on the number of days since the listing was submitted. The submitter can indicate an end date for their listing if the date is not beyond the expiration date rule. The administrator can edit and override the automatic expiration date for individual listings.
Expired listings are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Listings can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page and to the new submission page.
Optionally create unlimited categories for listings to group similar items.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing which is only viewable by administrator(s). This helps keep track of payment history and other comments.
What’s New
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Visitors can enter the number of days they would like to scan the website for recent changes. Results are shown in a list format and grouped by feature. Plus, items are clickable and when clicked will take the visitor directly to the page or feature with the update.
Home Page Box:
In addition to having a special page, optionally include an area on the home page for visitors to quickly search for website changes.
New and Updated Indicators:
Results also show next to each item found if the item is new or updated along with date of the recent change.
Member Interaction
Classified Ads
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The Classified Ads functionality allows visitors to post items and services they have for sale on the website. This is a great resource to help neighbors interact with one another and get rid of their clutter.
Specific Fields:
Listings include classified specific fields such as item, price, description and contact details.
Up to 5 photos, which will be displayed as a slideshow, can also be submitted along with each listing. Large photo files will be automatically resized by the website so that they are web friendly.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete listings.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new listings and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new listings to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
New listings can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new listing submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new listings by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the listing optionally receives an automated email notification when their listing has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Administrator(s) choose if members can edit their own listings and photos. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified listing.
Automatic Expiration:
Configurable automatic expiration date for listings based on the number of days since the listing was submitted. The submitter can indicate an end date for their listing if the date is not beyond the expiration date rule. The administrator can edit and override the automatic expiration date for individual listings.
Expired listings are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Listings can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page and to the new submission page.
Optionally create unlimited categories for listings to group similar items.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated listings. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Member Directory
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Members can choose to have their profile details included in the online Member Directory.
Profile Updates:
Members can update their own profile details if allowed by the administrator(s). Changes are reflected in real time on the Member Directory. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) when profile changes are made. The email notification shows the old data and the new data for each profile field changed.
Membership Type View:
Each membership type can have its own Member Directory view which will only show members in a specific membership type.
Chapter View:
Each chapter can have its own Member Directory view which will only show members in a specific chapter.
Profile Photo:
The member and an administrator can upload a profile photo for the member. The photo will display in the Member Directory and in the Admin Panel when viewing the member’s profile.
Photo Albums:
Like social media, members can optionally be allowed to create albums and upload photos to those albums. Photos can be reordered and have a description. These albums appear on the member’s profile in the directory.
Using the User Level abilities, associated Users optionally appear together within the directory.
Privacy Options:
Each member chooses if they wish to be listed in the directory. Members then choose which of their profile fields are hidden, visible to other members or visible to the public.
Mass Update Privacy Options:
An administrator can mass update all member’s directory inclusion preferences and mass update the preference for individual fields.
An administrator chooses which profile fields are included in the directory. Additional settings are available to control formatting of name and address, which user levels are shown in the member list and how user levels are indicated.
An administrator customizes the layout of the profile page by changing the order of the profile fields.
Customized Text:
An administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the directory listings page.
Status Controls:
It is configurable which of the 5 member statuses are included in the directory.
Members can search the directory by using up to 2 profile fields at a time.
Printer Friendly:
An optional printer friendly version of the directory can be enabled. Up to 5 profile fields can appear in the printed version.
Message Board
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Message Boards allow members to post thoughts and questions on the website for other members to respond.
Posts are searchable based on full or partial text matches within the post.
Utilize unlimited sections and unlimited categories to organize topics into similar groups. Individual categories have their own settings to control how the category works.
Individual categories can be set to require one or more access levels in order to view the category. Categories in which the member does not have access are hidden so that the member does not know the category exists.
Members can be assigned moderator privileges to one or more categories. Moderator privileges allows the member to approve, disapprove, edit and delete topics and replies in their assigned categories.
Important Topics:
Multiple topics can be marked as Announcement or Sticky which will keep the topic at the top of its category.
Locked Topics:
Individual topics can be locked so that Members can only view existing replies and not add new replies.
Post Control:
For each category, administrator(s) can control if members with access can can start a new topic or only moderators. Likewise, reply controls allow members with access to reply to topics or only moderators.
An automatic email notification is sent to the approver(s) for every new and edited post to the Message Board.
Single Click Approve:
Approver(s) can quickly approve or disapprove new posts by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Posts can also be manually approved and disapproved through the website. New posts can also be automatically approved and added to the website based on the category the post was submitted to.
Self Managed:
Optionally allow Members to edit their own posts and attachments. Additional controls only allow edits if the post is less than a predetermined number of days old.
Members can subscribe to individual categories they have access to so that they receive an automatic email when there is a new post to the Message Board. The email includes a link to view the post on the website and can optionally include the text of the post. This feature can be disabled by the administrator(s) for individual categories.
Read Indicator:
The message board keeps track of which topics and replies each Member has already read. When the Member visits the message board, they will be able to see which topics have unread content. Members can also automatically mark all posts as read within a category with a single click.
Configure for each category if members are allowed to upload attachments with their posts.
Members can use basic formatting in their posts and include links.
Hidden Status:
Categories can be hidden from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the main page, the bottom of all pages, the submit a new post page and at the top of each individual category.
Home Page Mini View:
The newest topics and comments can be automatically displayed on the website’s home page. The administrator(s) chooses how many items appear in the list and what details are shown. This helps highlight Message Board activity and encourage participation.
Photo Album
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Create albums/groups to display photos of events or scenes such as the annual cookout or recent snow storm.
Unlimited photos can be included within each album. Individual photos can be hidden on the website.
Unlimited albums are created to organize related photos. Visitors can choose from a drop down menu which album they wish to see.
Optionally create unlimited categories and sub categories to group related albums. Individual albums can be assigned to multiple categories. Categories are automatically hidden if they contain no albums or the visitor does not have access to view the albums.
Featured Album:
Optionally highlight an album to appear first on the Photo Album page of the website.
Automatic Expiration:
The administrator(s) can set a start and stop date for individual albums which will control when the album is displayed on the website.
Multiple Uploading:
Multiple photos can be selected and uploaded together to the website. A progress bar shows the upload status of each file. Large photos are automatically resized to be “web friendly” as they are uploaded to the website. This makes it easy to upload photos from a digital camera without worrying about manually resizing or file size settings.
Optionally allow members to post comments to photos. This option is configurable on individual albums. The administrator is automatically notified when a new comment has been added. Comments can either be automatically approved or first require an administrator’s approval.
Albums can be individually set to require one or more access levels in order for the visitor to view the album.
User Friendly:
Thumbnail images are automatically generated for each photo. When a visitor clicks on a thumbnail they will see the full sized photo.
Optional slideshow presentation for viewing photos.
Order Control:
Photos and albums can be rearranged to determine the order in which they appear.
Include titles and descriptions for each album and individual photos which will also appear with the photo during the slideshow.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the photo album page, the bottom of the photo album page, on the new submission page and the confirmation page once an item has been submitted.
Random Photo:
Display a random photo, from any album, on the home page of the website. Individual photos are automatically resized so they fit into the area you wish them to appear while maintaining the photo’s normal width to height ratio. Once a visitor clicks on the photo they will be taken to a page to view all photos within the album.
Member Submission:
Optionally allow members to upload their own photos to individual albums. The administrator is immediately notified via email when a new photo has been uploaded along with the member’s contact information. One or more access levels can be required in order for the member to be allowed to upload a photo to an album.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new photos and comments, without having to visit and log into the website, by clicking a link in the approval email they receive. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Self Managed:
Optionally allow members to edit their own photos and comments. An email notification is sent to the administrator for each modified item.
There are many other settings to control how Photo Album operates such as email notifications, image sizes and layout of photos.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each album which are only viewable by other administrator(s).
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Surveys are more than just a poll. If enabled on a survey, visitors can also include a comment to further explain their vote. The administrator(s) can edit and delete comments.
Unlimited Surveys:
Ability to have one or multiple surveys/questions open for voting at one time. There’s no limit on the number of surveys that can be active, on hold or archived.
Graphical Results:
Real-time graphical results are viewable on the website after the visitor has submitted their vote. The results are displayed as both a bar graph and numerical count.
10 Available Responses:
The administrator(s) defines up to 10 fields for each survey as possible responses to each survey question.
Voter Comments:
Once the visitor has voted, if comments are enabled, the visitor will be able to post a comment on the website to further explain their vote. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new comment posted to the surveys.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable, archive and delete surveys. The administrator(s) can edit and delete comments.
Closed surveys are archived for view only. Option to automatically archive each survey based on an end date or once a specified number of votes is reached.
Hold Status:
Surveys can be put on hold to temporarily suspend them from view on the website.
Double Voting Controls:
To block double voting, only logged in members will be able to vote and their unique User ID number will be logged for voting control.
Reset Votes:
The administrator(s) can reset the votes for a survey at any time to open it up for everybody to vote again.
Business Directory
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The Business Directory functionality allows posting of various company details to help visitors find a company for their project or needs. A coupon can be included within each listing to further promote the company’s services. Members can also be allowed review and submit a star rating for each company.
Specific Fields:
Listings include company specific fields such as company name, service area, description, services, address, phone, fax, email and website.
Each business listing can also include a printer friendly coupon with a special discount for visitors to the website. The coupon can also include an expiration date which will be indicated on the coupon and will automatically remove the coupon from the website once the expiration date has passed. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for coupons to be submitted through the website and automatically hide any existing coupons.
Featured Listings:
Unlimited companies can be set as a featured listing which means they will appear above other companies listed on the page and be highlighted.
Reviews and Ratings:
The administrator(s) chooses if members can also post reviews on each company in the directory based on their own experiences. Reviews include multiple fields such as services performed, positive comments, negative comments, date work was performed and if they would recommend the company to others. Reviews also include a star rating system which rates the company based on price, quality, responsiveness, punctuality, professionalism, final results and overall. Results for all reviews are totaled by company and displayed as an overall score with the listing. Visitors can also see the details for each review given for a company.
Multiple Submissions:
Optionally allow members to submit more than one review for the same company.
Make Money:
Optionally charge companies to be listed in the directory. Featured listings are an added perk if you choose to charge companies for posting their information on the website.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete listings. The administrator(s) an edit and delete reviews.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new listings and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new listings to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
New listings and/or reviews can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new listing and review submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new listings and reviews by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the listing or review optionally receives an automated email notification when their listing has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own listings and/or reviews. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified listing and review.
Automatic Expiration:
Configurable automatic expiration date for listings based on the number of days since the listing was submitted. The submitter can indicate an end date for their listing if the date is not beyond the expiration date rule. The administrator can edit and override the automatic expiration date for individual listings.
Expired listings are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Listings and reviews can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page, the new listing submission page and the new review submission page.
Optionally create unlimited categories for listings to group similar items. Categories can be disabled and/or can be set to hide if there are no active listings in the category. Visitors can optionally be allowed to suggest a new category along with their new submission.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated listings and reviews. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for new listings.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing and each review which is only viewable by administrator(s). This helps keep track of payment history and other comments.
Find a Sitter
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The Find a Sitter feature allows visitors to submit an ad to the website to promote their house, kid and pet sitting services. Members can also be allowed to submit a review regarding their experiences with each sitter.
Specific Fields:
Listings include sitter specific fields such as display name, how to contact, services, if available on short notice, availability, preferences, experience, about and other comments.
Sitters can optionally be allowed to upload a photo of themselves to be shown with their ad. Large photo files will be automatically resized by the website so that they are web friendly.
Members can post reviews on the sitters based on their own experiences. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for reviews to be submitted through the website and automatically hide any existing reviews.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete listings. The administrator(s) an edit and delete reviews.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new sitter ads and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new listings to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
New listings can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. Reviews are immediately added to the website. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new listing and review submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new listings by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the listing optionally receives an automated email notification when their listing has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own listings. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified listing.
Automatic Expiration:
Configurable automatic expiration date for listings based on the number of days since the listing was submitted. The submitter can indicate an end date for their listing if the date is not beyond the expiration date rule. The administrator can edit and override the automatic expiration date for individual listings.
Expired listings are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Listings and/or reviews can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page and the new listing submission page.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated listings and reviews. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for new listings.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Homes for Sale/Rent
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The Homes for Sale/Rent feature lists properties for sale or for rent on the website. It also features 15 photos, agent contact information and detailed listing information.
Specific Fields:
Numerous fields to share detailed information on each property such as address, map link, price, purchase/rent, bedrooms, baths, rooms, year built, square feet, land acres, school district, website, MLS#, brief description, interior features, exterior features, agent’s name, agent’s company, agent’s phone, agent’s email, agent’s website, agent’s photo.
Up to 15 photos, which will be displayed as a slideshow, can also be submitted along with each listing. Large photo files will be automatically resized by the website so that they are web friendly. Each photo can have its own description.
User Friendly:
The listings page will first show the visitor a summary of all listings along with the primary photo for each listing and the most important details such as price and rooms. The visitor can then click on a listing to see the full details for the listing they are interested in.
Map Link:
The website will automatically generate a link to Google Maps based on the property address. The automatic link can also be overridden to a specific map location using Google or Bing Maps or disabled completely.
Agent Contact Information:
Agent’s/Primary contact’s information is displayed along with each listing including fields for contact, personal photo, company and website. Plus, through the website visitors can email the listing contact for more information.
Home Page Mini View:
If enabled, the administrator(s) choose how many listings are automatically displayed on the website’s home page. Visitors can then click a link to view full details for those listings and see a list of all active listings.
Featured Listings:
Unlimited listings can be set as a featured listing which means they will be highlighted and appear above other listings on the page.
Order Control:
Listings can be ordered on the page by street address, price descending or price ascending.
Printer Friendly Version:
Visitors can click a link to view a printer friendly version of each listing. This feature can be disabled by the administrator(s).
Email a Friend:
Visitors can choose to email the listing to themselves or to a friend through the website. This feature can be disabled by the administrator(s).
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete listings.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new listings and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new listings to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
New listings can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new listing submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new listings by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the listing optionally receives an automated email notification when their listing has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own listings and photos. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified listing.
Automatic Expiration:
Configurable automatic expiration date for listings based on the number of days since the listing was submitted. The submitter can indicate an end date for their listing if the date is not beyond the expiration date rule. The administrator can edit and override the automatic expiration date for individual listings.
Expired listings are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Listings can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page and to the new submission page.
Optionally create unlimited categories for listings to group similar items. Visitors can also suggest a new category when submitting their listing.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated listings. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for new listings.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Lost & Found
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Visitors can post items they have lost or found onto the website for other visitors to read.
Items being submitted include a title, description, contact information and if it was a lost or found item.
Up to 5 photos, which will be displayed as a slideshow, can also be submitted along with each item. Large photo files will be automatically resized by the website so that they are web friendly.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete listings.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new items and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new items to be submitted through the website.
Mini View:
A mini view can be added to your home page to showcase a configurable number of items based on which items were most recently submitted.
Approval Settings:
New listings can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new listings by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the listing optionally receives an automated email notification when their listing has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Administrator(s) choose if members can edit their own items and photos. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified listing.
Automatic Expiration:
Configurable automatic expiration date for listings based on the number of days since the listing was submitted. The submitter can indicate an end date for their listing if the date is not beyond the expiration date rule. The administrator can edit and override the automatic expiration date for individual listings.
Expired listings are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Listings can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page and to the new submission page.
Items are automatically grouped between items lost and items found.
New Indicator:
Optionally enable a “New” indicator which will display next to any newly submitted items. The administrator(s) can disable and configure the number of days the indicator will appear.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Member Announcements
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Give members the ability to post their own events and announcements on the home page for other visitors to view. This is great for parties, births or even a lost pet.
A photo can be uploaded along with each announcement. Large photo files will be automatically resized by the website so that they are web friendly.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete announcements.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can view active announcements.
Approval Settings:
New announcements can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new announcements by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the announcement optionally receives an automated email notification when their submission has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own announcements and photos. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified announcement.
Automatic Expiration:
Configurable automatic expiration date for announcements based on the number of days since it was submitted. The submitter can indicate an end date for their listing if the date is not beyond the expiration date rule. The administrator can edit and override the automatic expiration date for individual listings.
Expired announcements are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Announcements can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the new submission page.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated announcements. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for new announcements.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each announcement which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Pet Directory
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Visitors can submit the details of their pets, along with photos, to be included in the Pet Directory.
Specific Fields:
Includes detailed information on each pet including name, breed, color, size/weight, description, other comments and owner contact information.
Up to 5 photos can be uploaded of each pet. Large photo files will be automatically resized by the website so that they are web friendly.
Pet Slideshow:
Optionally allow visitors to view a slideshow of all pet photos. Photos also display the pet’s name. This feature can be disabled by the administrator(s).
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete listings.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new pets and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new listings to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
Newly submitted listings can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new listings by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the listing optionally receives an automated email notification when their listing has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own listings. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified listing.
Hold Status:
Listings can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page and the new pet submission page.
Optionally create unlimited categories for listings to group similar pets. Categories can be disabled and/or can be set to hide if there are no active listings in the category.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated listings. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for new listings.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Recipe Book
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With the Recipe Book, visitors can submit their own recipes to the website of their favorite dish. Recipes can include a photo and be grouped into categories.
Specific Fields:
Robust recipe information including author, item, description, servings, complexity rating, total time, ingredients, directions and cook’s notes.
Each recipe can include a photo of dish to be shown along with the recipe. Large photo files will be automatically resized by the website so that they are web friendly.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete recipes.
Printer Friendly Version:
Visitors can click a link to view a printer friendly version of each recipe.
Email a Friend:
Visitors can choose to email a recipe to themselves or to a friend through the website. This feature can be disabled by the administrator(s).
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new recipes and/or view active recipes. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new recipes to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
Newly submitted recipes can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new recipe submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new recipes by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the recipe optionally receives an automated email notification when their recipe has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own recipes. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified recipe.
Hold Status:
Recipes can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page and the new recipe submission page.
Create unlimited categories for recipes to group similar items. Visitors can suggest a new category along with their new submission.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated recipes. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for new recipes.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each recipe which is only viewable by administrator(s).
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The Reviews functionality is great for posting items on the website such as businesses, movies and products which allows members to post a detailed review and include a star rating based on their experiences.
Specific Fields:
Listings include specific fields such as item, description, address (if applicable), contact information (if applicable), website, review title, recommendation, positive comments, negative comments and star rating.
Reviews and Ratings:
Choose if members can also post reviews on each item based on their own experiences. Results for all reviews are totaled by item and displayed as an an overall score with the item. Visitors can also see the details for each review given for a item.
User Friendly:
To be more user friendly for your visitors, item wording within each category can be independently defined. Such as items in a movies category can be referred to as flicks or the vendors category can refer to companies.
Multiple Submissions:
Optionally allow members to submit more than one review for the same item.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete items for review. The administrator(s) an edit and delete reviews.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new items for review and/or view active items. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new items for review to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
New items for review and/or reviews can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new item and review submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new items for review and reviews by clicking a link in the approval email they receive without first having to visit and log into the website. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the item for review and review optionally receives an automated email notification when their submission has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own items for review and/or reviews. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified item for review and review.
Automatic Expiration:
Optional expiration date for items for review which will automatically hide the item and all related reviews from the website once the expiration date is reached.
Hold Status:
Items for review and reviews can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page, the new item for review submission page and the new review submission page.
Categories: Optionally create unlimited categories for listings to group similar items. Categories can be disabled and/or can be set to hide if there are no active items in the category. Visitors can optionally be allowed to suggest a new category along with their new submission.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated items for review and reviews. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for new listings.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each item for review which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Teen Services
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The Teen Services feature allows your younger visitors to submit an ad to the website to promote their handy services. Reviews can also be posted based on experiences with each provider.
Specific Fields:
Listings include details such as display name, how to contact, services, availability, preferences, experience, about and other comments.
Members can post reviews for each provider based on their own experiences. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for reviews to be submitted through the website.
The administrator(s) can create, enable, edit, disable and delete listings. The administrator(s) an edit and delete reviews.
Choose if visitors have to be logged in before they can submit new ads and/or view active listings. The administrator(s) can disable the ability for new listings to be submitted through the website.
Approval Settings:
New listings and/or reviews can either be immediately added to the website or first require an administrator’s approval. An email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each new listing and review submission.
Single Click Approve:
The administrator(s) can quickly approve new listings and reviews without first having to visit and log into the website by clicking a link in the approval email they receive. Submissions can also be manually approved and edited through the website.
Submitter Notification:
The person who submitted the listing optionally receives an automated email notification when their listing has been approved and added to the website. The administrator can also modify the approval email on-the-fly prior to it being sent. The administrator(s) can send customized email notifications to the submitter at any time through the website.
Self Managed:
Choose if members can edit their own listings. A detailed email notification is sent to the administrator(s) for each modified listing.
Automatic Expiration:
Configurable automatic expiration date for listings based on the number of days since the listing was submitted. The submitter can indicate an end date for their listing if the date is not beyond the expiration date rule. The administrator can edit and override the automatic expiration date for individual listings.
Expired listings are saved in an archive area so that they are easily reactivated or permanently deleted by the administrator(s).
Hold Status:
Listings and/or reviews can be placed on hold to hide them from view on the website without deleting them.
Customized Text:
The administrator(s) can add their own content (text, links and photos) to the top of the listings page and the new listing submission page.
Optionally create unlimited categories for listings to group similar items. Categories can be disabled and/or can be set to hide if there are no active items in the category. Visitors can optionally be allowed to suggest a new category along with their new submission.
New and Updated Indicators:
Optionally enable “New” and “Updated” which will display an indicator next to any newly approved and/or recently updated listings and reviews. The administrator(s) can disable or independently configure the number of days each indicator will appear.
Optionally enable an RSS feed for new listings.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each listing which is only viewable by administrator(s).
Email Queue
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Email Queue maintains a 30 day history of emails sent through the website.
Results can be filtered based on feature, date range, recipient’s email address, subject of the email and send status. Results can also be sorted.
Google Analytics
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For additional insight into your website visitors and their habits as they browse your website, code from your Google Analytics account can be added to your website.
Visit Google Analytics’ website for more information.
Image Resizer
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Use our Image Resizer tool to take large photos and have them scaled to a smaller and web friendly size.
Properly Resized:
Define either the height or the width and the resizer will automatically keep the photo in the proper ratio so that it doesn’t become distorted.
Short Links
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Short Links allows the creation of special links that are easier for visitors to type into their web browser such as When the visitor goes to the link, they are automatically redirected to the related page or document on the website.
Date Controls:
Each link can be set to become active and automatically expire as of a specific date.
Visitor Counts:
Each link tracks how many times it has been visited.
Hold Status:
Links can be temporarily placed on hold which will disable visitors from being redirected to the page or document.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each link which is only viewable by administrators.
Spam Blocking at the Source
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Built-in features to help prevent spammers from finding email addresses on the website.
Undisclosed Recipients:
Fill in web forms are specially coded to hide the recipients’ email addresses from the visitor.
Image Verification:
Optional image verification to make sure a human is submitting a web form.
Submission Controls:
Web forms will not be submitted if common spam text appears in the message.
Email Filters:
Spam and virus filters are included on every email account.
Login Redirect
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When a member chooses to log into the website via the login link on the navigation, they can be automatically redirected a specific page based on their access level.
Unlimited Redirects:
Regardless how many access levels are being used on the website, each access level can be set up with its own redirect. If a member logs into the website and a redirect is not set up for their access level, they will be redirected to the home page of the website as usual.
A start and end date can be entered for each redirect which controls when the redirect is in effect.
Private Notes:
The administrator(s) can enter private comments about each redirect which is only viewable by other administrators.
Easy Administration
Administer Your Functionality
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The Admin Panel is designed to be a user friendly, self-service portal for non-website people. It uses a familiar email and Microsoft style layout. If you are comfortable using common email software/websites you’ll find the Admin Panel very easy to use.
No HTML or technical/designer knowledge needed. Update your website using only your web browser. Uses our visual editing tools which means you can add & edit your text, photos etc exactly as they will appear on your website as a finished product (also known as WYSIWYG).
Functionality Control:
Manage functionality options you choose for your website through the administrative side of the website.
Pending Item Alerts
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Email Notifications:
Each feature can be individually setup with one or multiple email addresses to be notified when a new item is posted to the website. The Administrator(s) can change the email distribution list at any time through the Admin Panel.
Single Click Approve:
When an Administrator receives the email notifying them that a new item has been posted to the website, they can click a link within the email to automatically approve the item instead of having to first log into the website. The email also contains the details of the item being submitted. Once approved, the person who submitted the item receives an email notifying them that their item was approved.
Pending Links:
Within the Admin Panel, next to each feature’s icon, a special link is displayed if there are any pending items needing to be managed. Clicking the special link will take the Administrator to a page where they can manage those pending items. This gives Administrator(s) a sitewide view of all of their features from a single page so that pending items are being handled timely.
Unlimited Administrators
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Share administrator access with other members so they can also help keep the website up-to-date and useful. You can grant unlimited members access to the administrative side of the website. We suggest keeping it to a minimum.
Unlimited Sub Administrators
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Administrator(s) can grant other members limited administrator access to specific pages and/or features for additional assistance with maintaining the content and functionality of the website.
Unlimited Sub Administrator Roles:
Roles are defined to restrict the member’s administrative access down to the page, feature and in some cases the activity level. Roles allow easy creation and modification of access groups from a central location without repetitive work by defining access for each member individually.
Unlimited Sub Administrators:
Once the Sub Administrator roles are defined, they can be applied to any members that need limited administrator access. Individual members can be granted unlimited access roles which enables a flexible access structure.
Access roles can be individually disabled and setup with an automatic expiration date.
Sub Administrator functionality is intended to simplify administration of the website for members with limited administrative duties. Sub Administrator functionality is not intended to be a security control to prevent these members from accessing information they should not be able to access. Therefore, it is prudent of a website administrator to only give Sub Administrator access to a member if they are privy to all matters.
Ongoing Support
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Our first line of support is to make both our websites and every process efficient and intuitive to drastically minimize confusion an unnecessary work.
The knowledgebase features step-by-step instructions along with visual aids to show common tasks and how various features operate.
Helpful Tips:
On each page of the administrative side of the website are instructions and notes that further explain each aspect of the page and feature’s options. This serves as a quick reference to explain how various changes will impact the functionality and display of content.
Personal Support:
The Administrator(s) can submit a request to the Support Desk at any time. The Support Desk is available to respond to requests Monday through Thursday 8:00am – 5:00pm EST and Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm EST, excluding holidays. Some after hours support is provided as well.
Each request and related replies are tracked and available to the Administrator(s) through the Admin Panel.
Real-time statistics show on a month-by-month basis how many tickets were opened, how many replies were sent and the average time the Administrator(s) had to wait for a response during support hours. For comparison, these statistics are broken down between all websites and just for the Administrator(s) website. Click here to view real-time Support Statistics.
New Software Updates
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We are always working on new features and enhancements to our existing features. Based on your plan and the features you have chosen to include on your website, new items will be automatically added or made available to you. There may be a change in cost for utilizing new items.
Concierge Service
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Our more hands on approach to help you with the layout of your content and graphics to ensure each page of your website shows a professional image.
Phone consultation for which features might be best for your website.
If you are migrating from an existing website, we will assist you with moving downloadable content to your new website. This only includes uploading files such as PDF files or images to the File Manager. Concierge Service does not include tasks related to HTML, content, data or linking to uploaded files on the website. Content migration is available at an additional hourly rate.
Domain Name
Access Directly on Your Domain Name
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Your website will be accessed directly using your domain name, which we take care of for you. This means when somebody wishes to view your website they will visit vs We also do not use any behind-the-scenes techniques to pretend your website is on your domain name. This method is more user friendly for your visitors and improves your organization’s branding.
Primary Domain Name Registration
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Your website will viewed on your primary domain name. We do not redirect your visitors back to, which is both unprofessional and confusing.
Registration Option:
You can register your domain name through any domain registration provider you wish or we can register a new domain name for you. If you already own a domain name, you may either keep it with your existing registration provider (if they allow you to do so) or transfer it to us. We are only responsible for managing domain names that are registered by us or transferred to us and have a registry price comparable to a typical .com domain name.
For the Lite plan, the annual fee is for both the management and renewal of the Domain Name regardless of the Domain Name’s expiration date.
In order to use our services, a primary domain name is required and the nameservers will point to our services.
If planning to cancel services and you wish to keep your domain name(s), you must complete the steps to transfer your domain name(s) to your new provider prior to cancellation of services.
Click here to start a search for available domain names.
Private Registration:
Private domain registration is included and in effect for all domain names we manage. This hides your contact information from spammers and marketing companies.
Once you have signed up, your project manager can suggest some available domain names.
Additional Domain Name Registration
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$15/ year
$15/ year
$15/ year
For the Pro and Plus plans, your primary domain name is already included in the annual services fee. We can purchase and maintain additional domains for you. For example, you may wish to own both the .com and .org extensions. We can even point each of them to your website.
The annual fee is for both the management and renewal of the Domain Name regardless of the Domain Name’s expiration date.
Click here to start a search for available domain names.
Private Registration:
Private domain registration is included and in effect for all domain names we manage. This hides your contact information from spammers and marketing companies.
SSL Certificate
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An SSL Certificate helps protect the internet connection, between a website and a visitor’s computer, from a hacker.
Primary Domain Name:
The SSL Certificate is only available for your primary domain name. Additional domain names can redirect visitors to your primary domain name. We do not allow our clients to send us an SSL Certificate. We handle everything related to the SSL Certificate on our side.
SSL Certificates are used by websites that handle online payments. However, no credit card nor payment information is entered nor stored on your website. Instead, online payments are processed through third party providers on external websites. Therefore, it is the personal preference of your organization as to if you wish to purchase an SSL Certificate for your website. An SSL Certificate is not required in order to use our website services.
Email Accounts
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$120/ year
$120/ year
$120/ year
Email accounts are purchased in blocks of 5 email accounts for $120/year. Separate work from pleasure with your own internal email addresses for your primary domain name such as or
Plus Plan Only:
First five email addresses are included.
Administrator(s) can create email accounts, change passwords, change forwarding and delete email accounts along with adding, editing and deleting autoresponders.
Not Required:
You are not required to have email accounts for your primary domain name in order to use our website services.
For each email account, emails can either be automatically forwarded to up to 15 email addresses (4 of which can be to external email addresses such as or connected to directly with a password, using webmail or email software such as Microsoft Outlook (POP3 or IMAP).
When using webmail, each email account gets their own online calendar, address book and ability to create folders to help organize emails.
Mass Emails:
Email accounts cannot be used to send mass emails. Instead, our Email Publisher feature would be used to send mass emails to your members.
Each email account comes with 25GB of online storage space.
Spam and Virus:
Active virus and spam filters for each email account.
Third Party Option:
Instead of having email services through us, you can choose to have email services for your primary domain name through any company you wish.