What Should The Board Consider When Modifying The HOA Rules?

Posted on May 1, 2017 8:00 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Homeowners associations have rules for homeowners to comply with that is for the benefit of the community and to protect the value of homes.  Occasionally, some homeowners may break the rules unknowingly but they get informed through the homeowners association website and follow what is outlined in the rules.  However, there are a select few who violate the rules more frequently and it’s the responsibility of the HOA board to enforce the rules or make a modification.  What should a board member take into account before modifying the HOA rules?
Areas Of Importance
Board members that plan to modify or implement a new rule must do so according to the authority which is granted in the CC&R’s.  The process from one homeowners association to the next will likely differ from state to state.  Typically, the first step in changing an existing rule or creating a new rule is to submit it to members for a review.  They are given time to critique the proposal and offer their opinion about the changes to the HOA board.
An important element to any rule change is to explain the reason for it and the positive effect that you expect to follow.  After members respond, the board analyzes the proposed rule change and takes into consideration the insight offered by all the members.  Then, a vote is held where the HOA board determines if the rule change will be approved or not.
Find A Balance
Most homeowners associations strive to offer a community and a homeowners association website that residents are proud of.  At times, rule changes may be necessary to keep the association thriving while providing people the opportunity to enjoy where they live.  Anytime rule changes happen, board members should ensure they are consistent, reasonable, and equally enforced so homeowners always feel inspired to comply.
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