Neighborhood Summer Picnics Within Your Homeowners Association

Posted on July 23, 2015 11:24 AM by HOA Sites
Categories: HOA Website
Living in a Homeowners Association offers a sense of security that comes in a variety of ways.  One way to feel more secure about your neighborhood is to establish some type of relationship with your neighbors.  Reaching out to them through the homeowners association website will open up the lines of communication and allow future conversations to be easily initiated.  Attending the neighborhood summer picnic is a great time to actually bond with your neighbors and share with them some similar tastes and interests. 
Building A Sense Of Community Starts Here!
A sense of community starts with residents meeting and getting more familiar with one another.  Often, a summer picnic is an annual event so everyone is encouraged to attend as the neighbors meet and greet one another in a more relaxed setting.  In most cases, Homeowners Association meetings can have individuals in a serious mindset so maybe they aren’t as friendly or talkative as usual.
The overall goal is for everyone to have fun at the summer picnic while getting to know the neighbors better and enjoy a day of activities and food.  Usually, the homeowners association will provide some food and leave it up to the residents to bring dessert or side dishes.  If you have a delicious recipe for a dessert, now would be the ideal time to share it with everyone!
What Makes The Summer Picnic Appealing?
Picnics are the perfect opportunity to get more involved in the neighborhood and get closer with your neighbors without feeling pressured.  Some residents will volunteer their time to help organize the event, but it isn’t a requirement in order to attend.
Each year, details of the summer picnic are listed on the homeowners association website (more here) for those individuals looking to help make it a success.  If you are new to the area or searching for ways to stay active, feel welcome to attend the neighborhood summer picnic as it is intended for all residents within the Homeowners Association!
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